WF6704N7W-02374A-LT 2007.7.6 2:50 PM Page 15

Problem˜ sprendimas

Problemos ir sprendimai

Skalbimo ma‰ina ne∞sijungia

Øsitikinkite, kad gerai uÏdarytos durelòs.

Øsitikinkite, kad skalbimo ma‰ina ∞jungta ∞ elektros tinklà.

Øsitikinkite, kad atsuktas vandens ãiaupas.

Øsitikinkite, kad paspaudòte mygtukà pradÏia / pauzò.

Nepaduodamas vanduo arba nepakankamas vandens lygis

Øsitikinkite, kad atsuktas vandens ãiaupas.

Øsitikinkite, kad neuωalusi vandens tiekimo Ïarna.

Øsitikinkite, kad vandens tiekimo Ïarna neperlenkta.

Øsitikinkite, kad neuÏsikim‰´s vandens tiekimo Ïarnos filtras.

Skalbimo priemonò lieka skalbimo priemoni˜ stalãiuke, pasibaigus skalbimui

Øsitikinkite, kad skalbimo ma‰ina dirba esant pakankamam vandens spaudimui.

Supilkite skalbimo priemones vidinòse stalãiuko dalyse (toliau nuo i‰orini˜ sieneli˜).

Skalbimo ma‰ina vibruoja arba sukelia didel∞ triuk‰mà

Øsitikinkite, kad ma‰ina pastatyta ant tvirto pavir‰iaus. Jeigu pavir‰ius nelygus, pareguliuokite ma‰inos kojeles (Ïr. 3 psl.).

Øsitikinkite, kad i‰imti perveÏimo varÏtai (Ïr. 3 psl.).

Øsitikinkite, kad skalbimo ma‰ina nelieãia kit˜ daikt˜.

Øsitikinkite, kad sudòti skalbiniai subalansuoti.

Skalbimo ma‰ina nenupila vandens ir / arba negr´Ïia

Øsitikinkite, kad nutekòjimo Ïarna neprispausta arba neperlenkta.

Øsitikinkite, kad ter‰al˜ filtras neuÏsikim‰´s (Ïr. 14 psl.).

Durelòs neatsidaro

Durelòs neatsidaro 3 minutes po to, kai ma‰ina baigia skalbti arba i‰jungiamas maitinimas.

Prane‰imai apie klaidas

Klaidos prane‰imas






UÏdarykite dureles









Øsitikinkite, kad atsuktas vandens ãiaupas

















Patikrinkite vandens spaudimà













I‰valykite ter‰al˜ filtrà









Øsitikinkite, kad teisingai prijungta nutekòjimo Ïarna













Skalbiniai nesubalansuoti: i‰purtykite sulankstytus skalbinius.










Jeigu reikia skalbti tik vienà daiktà, tok∞ kaip chalatà arba











dÏinsus, galutinis gr´Ïimo rezultatas gali bti nepatenkinamas,











o ekrane pasirodys klaidos prane‰imas “UE”.





Paskambinkite aptarnavimo centrui.







Prie‰ susisiekdami su aptarnavimo centru:

1.Pabandykite i‰spr´sti problemà (Ïr. “Problem˜ sprendimas” ‰iame puslapyje).

2.Paleiskite programà i‰ naujo, pasitikrindami, ar problema pasikartos.

3.Jei gedimas i‰lieka, paskambinkite aptarnavimo centrui ir nupasakokite problemà.

SAMSUNG Skalbimo ma‰inos vartotojo instrukcijos 15

Page 67
Image 67
Samsung WF6520N7W/YLR, WF7350N7W/YLR, WF6528N7W/YLR Problem˜ sprendimas, Problemos ir sprendimai, Prane‰imai apie klaidas

WF6520N7W/YLR, WF7350N7W/YLR, WF6528N7W/YLW, WF7350N7W/YLW, WF6528N7W/YLR specifications

The Samsung WF6458N7W/YLW, WF6458N7W/YLR, WF6528N7W/YLR, WF7350N7W/YLW, and WF6528N7W/YLW are part of Samsung's washing machine lineup, known for their innovative features and user-friendly technologies. These models are designed to offer efficient washing solutions while ensuring superior washing performance, making them ideal for various household needs.

One of the standout features across these models is the EcoBubble technology. This innovative system produces bubbles that penetrate fabrics more quickly than conventional washing methods, ensuring effective cleaning at lower temperatures. This not only helps in preserving colors and textures but also contributes to energy savings by allowing users to operate the machines at cooler settings.

Another significant feature is the Diamond Drum design, which consists of a unique drum surface with small water exit holes. This design reduces fabric snagging and helps to prevent damage to clothes, thus extending the life of your garments. Users can wash delicate fabrics such as silk and lace with confidence, knowing they are protected.

The Digital Inverter Motor is employed in these models, providing a quieter and more energy-efficient operation compared to traditional motors. This technology reduces vibration and noise during the wash cycle, making it ideal for homes where noise levels must be kept to a minimum. The longevity of the motor also means reduced maintenance costs over time.

Furthermore, the Quick Wash feature is designed for convenience, allowing users to clean lightly soiled clothes in just 15 minutes. This feature is particularly useful for busy individuals or families who need to freshen up their outfits quickly without going through a full wash cycle.

In terms of usability, the machines come equipped with intuitive control panels and a range of wash programs tailored to different fabric types and levels of soiling. Features like Smart Check enable users to troubleshoot minor issues through a smartphone app, helping to prevent potential problems and providing peace of mind.

The sleek design and modern aesthetics of these washing machines make them a stylish addition to any laundry room. With a variety of colors and finishes, they can seamlessly integrate into different home décor themes.

Overall, the Samsung WF6458N7W/YLW, WF6458N7W/YLR, WF6528N7W/YLR, WF7350N7W/YLW, and WF6528N7W/YLW models showcase a blend of advanced technology, user-friendly features, and elegant design, providing unparalleled washing solutions tailored for today’s modern households.