Samsung WF70F5E5W2W/LE, WF80F5E0W4W/LE Juhised elektri- ja elektroonikaseadmete jäätmete kohta


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HOIATUS! Olulised HOIATUSED puhastamise kohta

Ärge puhastage seadet, piserdades vett otse selle pinnale. Ärge kasutage tugevat ja happelist puhastusvahendit.

Ärge kasutage seadme puhastamiseks benseeni, lahustit või alkoholi.

See võib põhjustada värvi tuhmumist või seadme pinna deformeerumist ning kahjustuste, elektrilöögi või tulekahju tekkimist.

Enne puhastamist või hooldust eemaldage toitepistik pistikupesast.

Selle nõude eiramine võib põhjustada elektrilöögi või tulekahju.

Juhised elektri- ja elektroonikaseadmete jäätmete kohta

Õige viis toote kasutuselt kõrvaldamiseks (elektriliste ja elektrooniliste seadmete jäätmed) (Kehtib riikides, kus jäätmed kogutakse sorteeritult)

Selline tähistus tootel või selle tarvikutel või dokumentidel näitab, et toodet ega selle elektroonilisi tarvikuid (nt laadija, peakomplekt, USB-kaabel) ei tohi kasutusaja lõppemisel käidelda koos muude olmejäätmetega. Selleks et vältida jäätmete kontrollimatu käitlemisega seotud võimaliku kahju tekitamist keskkonnale või inimeste tervisele ning edendada materiaalsete vahendite säästvat taaskasutust, eraldage need esemed muudest jäätmetest ja suunake need vastutustundlikult taasringlusse.

Kodukasutajad saavad teavet nende esemete keskkonnaohutu taaskasutamise kohta kas toote müüjalt või keskkonnaametist.

Firmad peaksid võtma ühendust tarnijaga ning kontrollima ostulepingu tingimusi ja sätteid. Toodet ega selle elektroonilisi tarvikuid ei tohi panna muude hävitamiseks mõeldud kaubandusjäätmete hulka.

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2014-04-25 ￿￿ 5:51:04

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Samsung WF70F5E5W2W/LE, WF80F5E0W4W/LE, WF80F5E0W2W/LE manual Juhised elektri- ja elektroonikaseadmete jäätmete kohta

WF70F5E5W4W/LE, WF70F5E5U2W/LE, WF70F5E5U4X/LE, WF80F5E0W2W/LE, WF80F5E0W4W/LE specifications

Samsung's range of washing machines, including models such as the WF80F5E5W4W/LE, WF70F5EBU2W/LE, WF70F5EBW2W/LE, WF70F5E5U4W/LE, and WF60F4E5W2W/LE, is designed to enhance your laundry experience with advanced technologies and user-friendly features. These machines offer a blend of efficiency, performance, and convenience, tailored to meet the needs of modern households.

One of the standout features across these models is the EcoBubble technology. This innovative system generates bubbles by mixing air, water, and detergent, allowing for effective cleaning at lower temperatures. This not only helps in saving energy but also protects delicate fabrics by preventing damage that can occur from high wash temperatures.

Another hallmark of Samsung washing machines is their Digital Inverter Motor, which operates quietly and efficiently. This type of motor reduces wear and tear, enhancing the longevity of the appliance while also providing a higher energy efficiency rating. As a result, users enjoy lower utility bills and reduced environmental impact, making it an excellent choice for the eco-conscious consumer.

The Samsung WF series also incorporates a variety of wash programs tailored for different fabric types and laundry needs. From quick wash cycles for lightly soiled clothes to specialized programs for wool and delicate fabrics, users have the flexibility to choose the right setting. Additionally, the bubble soak feature further enhances stain removal by soaking clothes in activated bubbles before the main wash cycle.

These washing machines feature a sleek and modern design, often complemented by a large door for easy loading and unloading of laundry. The intuitive control panel provides a user-friendly interface, allowing you to navigate through various settings effortlessly. Many models also include a delay end feature, which lets you set the wash cycle to finish at a convenient time.

In terms of capacity, models like the WF80F5E5W4W/LE offer substantial drum sizes, accommodating larger laundry piles ideal for families. The diamond drum design, with its unique soft texture, minimizes fabric snagging, preserving the quality of your clothes over time.

Overall, Samsung's WF series combines innovative technology, energy efficiency, and thoughtful design, making it a great investment for any household looking for a reliable washing machine that delivers consistent performance and superior care for garments.