Suvni chiqarish

Samsung kompaniyasi balandligi 65 sm bo'lgan vertikal trubadan foydalanishni tavsiya qiladi. Suv chiqarish shlangi mashinaning orqa devorida joylashgan suv chiqarish shlangi qisqichi orqali suv chiqarish trubasiga tomon o'tkazilishi kerak. Suv chiqarish trubasi suv quyish shlangining tashqi diametriga mos kelishi uchun yetarli darajadagi katta diametrga ega bo'lishi kerak. Suv quyish shlangi zavodda biriktiriladi.

Pol qoplamasi

Kir yuvish mashinasi eng yaxshi darajada ishlashi uchun u tekis va qattiq sirtga o'rnatilgan bo'lishi kerak. Tebranishlarni va/yoki muvozanatlashmagan yuklanishlarni kamaytirish uchun yog'och pollarni mustahkamlash talab qilinishi mumkin. Gilam qoplamalar va kafelli pollar tebranishlarning vujudga kelishiga ko'maklashadi, bunda siqish rejimida kir yuvish mashinasining ozgina siljishga moyilligi kuzatiladi.

OGOHLANTIRISH: Kir yuvish mashinasini hech qachon platformaga yoki noturg'un sirtlarga o'rnatmang.

Atrof-muhit harorati

Kir yuvish mashinasini suv muzlashi mumkin bo'lgan joylarga o'rnatmang, chunki suv klapani, nasos va shlanglarda doimo oz miqdordagi suv qoladi. Trubalardagi muzlagan suv tasmalar, nasos va boshqa qismlarning shikastlanishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

Tokcha yoki shkafga o'rnatish

Kir yuvish mashinasi xavfsiz tarzda va to'g'ri ishlashi uchun uni o'rnatishda quyidagi eng kam darajadagi zazorlar qoldirishga amal qilish kerak:

Yon tomonlar bo'yicha

25 mm




25 mm



Orqadan *

50 mm



Old tomondan

500 mm



Agar kir yuvish mashinasi va quritgich birgalikda o'rnatilgan bo'lsa, tokcha yoki shkafning old tomonida havo almashishi uchun uzunligi kamida 500 mm bo'lgan bo'sh joy qoldirilishi kerak. Kir yuvish mashinasi alohida o'rnatilgan hollarda havo almashishi talab qilinmaydi.

O’zbek - 14

Untitled-5 14

2014-07-14 ￿￿ 4:53:42

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Samsung WF6RF4E2W0W/LP, WF80F5E2W4W/LP Suvni chiqarish, Pol qoplamasi, Atrof-muhit harorati, Tokcha yoki shkafga ornatish

WF60F4E2W2W/LP, WF80F5E2W4W/LP, WF60F4E1W2W/LP, WF60F4E0W2W/LP, WF6RF4E2W0W/LP specifications

The Samsung WF60F4ECW2W/LP, WF6RF4E2W0W/LP, WF60F4E0W2W/LP, WF60F4E1W2W/LP, and WF80F5E2W4W/LP washing machines represent a blend of innovative technology and high-performance design crafted for efficient laundry care. These models emphasize energy efficiency, user convenience, and effective cleaning capabilities, making them an excellent choice for modern households.

One of the standout features across these models is Samsung's Eco Bubble technology. This technology uses bubbles to penetrate fabrics quickly, allowing for effective cleaning even in cool water. By generating bubbles, these machines can lift dirt and stains efficiently while using less energy, supporting environmental sustainability efforts.

The Diamond Drum design is another hallmark feature. This unique drum structure is gentle on clothes while providing a thorough wash. The diamond-shaped grooves reduce fabric snagging, protecting delicate garments from damage, ensuring longevity and care for your laundry.

For users seeking customization, these washing machines come equipped with various wash programs tailored to meet specific fabric and soil level requirements. With options like Quick Wash, Eco Wash, and Intensive Wash, users can easily select the optimal wash cycle for their laundry needs, saving time and energy.

Another technological innovation featured in these models is Smart Check, a troubleshooting feature that utilizes smartphone technology to diagnose issues and provide solutions. This feature increases the convenience factor, enabling users to monitor and manage their washing machine efficiently.

Energy efficiency is a key characteristic of the WF series. Many of these models have high energy ratings, helping users save on electricity bills while minimizing their environmental footprint. Additionally, features like the digital inverter motor lead to quieter operation and reduced wear and tear.

User-friendly controls make these washing machines easy to operate. The intuitive LED display provides clear feedback, allowing users to set and monitor cycles with ease.

In summary, Samsung's WF series washing machines offer a combination of innovative technologies such as Eco Bubble, Smart Check, and Diamond Drum designs, alongside energy efficiency and user-friendly features. These characteristics make them a reliable choice for families looking to enhance their laundry experience and care for their garments effectively.