Ne uključujte perilicu ako je iz nje izvađena ladica za deterdžent.

To može uzrokovati strujni udar ili ozljede zbog istjecanja vode.

Ne dodirujte unutrašnjost bubnja tijekom ili neposredno nakon sušenja jer je vruća.

To može uzrokovati opekline.

Ne gurajte ruku u ladicu za deterdžent.

To može uzrokovati ozljede jer se ruka može zaglaviti u uređaju za unos deterdženta.

Pretinac za tekući deterdžent (odnosi se samo na određene modele) ne koristi se za deterdžent u prahu. Izvadite pretinac kad koristite deterdžent u prahu.

U perilicu nemojte stavljati druge predmete (npr. cipele, ostatke hrane, životinje) osim rublja.

To može uzrokovati oštećenje perilice ili ozljede, pa čak i smrt kada je riječ o kućnim ljubimcima zbog neuobičajenih vibracija.

Ne pritišćite gumbe pomoću oštrih predmeta kao što su igle, noževi, nokti itd.

To može uzrokovati strujni udar ili ozljede.

Ne perite rublje zaprljano uljima, kremama ili losionima koji se koriste u trgovinama s kozmetičkim proizvodima za njegu kože ili salonima za masažu.

To može prouzročiti iskrivljenje gumene brtve i istjecanje vode.

U bubnju nemojte na dulje vremensko razdoblje ostavljati metalne predmete kao što su sigurnosne igle, ukosnice ili sredstvo za izbjeljivanje.

To može uzrokovati hrđanje bubnja.

Ako se na površini bubnja pojavi hrđa, na površinu nanesite (neutralno) sredstvo za čišćenje i očistite je spužvom. Nikada nemojte koristiti metalnu četku.

Nemojte izravno koristiti deterdžent za kemijsko čišćenje i nemojte prati, ispirati niti centrifugirati rublje zaprljano deterdžentom za kemijsko čišćenje.

To može uzrokovati spontano izgaranje i zapaljenje zbog topline koja nastaje prilikom oksidacije ulja.

Ne koristite vodu iz uređaja za hlađenje/zagrijavanje vode.

To može uzrokovati probleme s perilicom.

U perilici nemojte koristiti prirodne sapune za pranje ruku.

Ako se stvrdnu i nakupe u perilici, može doći do problema s proizvodom, promjena boje, nastanka hrđe i neugodnih mirisa.

Čarape i grudnjake stavite u mrežicu za pranje i perite ih s ostalim rubljem.

U mrežici za pranje nemojte prati velike komade rublja poput posteljine.

U suprotnom može doći do ozljeda zbog neuobičajenih vibracija.

Ne koristite deterdžente koji se stvrdnjavaju.

Ako se nakupe unutar perilice, može doći do istjecanja vode.

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Hrvatski  11 

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2018-01-19 ￿￿ 11:18:26

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Samsung WW70J5355MW/AD, WW70J5355FW/AD manual Hrvatski 11 

WW70J5355MW/AD, WW70J5355FW/AD specifications

Samsung WW9AJ6400CW/EG and WW70J5355MW/AD are two outstanding washing machine models that reflect the brand's dedication to innovation, performance, and energy efficiency. Both machines are designed to cater to the modern household's needs while providing advanced technology to ensure optimal cleaning results.

The Samsung WW9AJ6400CW/EG is a front-loading washing machine that boasts a generous capacity of 9 kilograms, making it ideal for large families or those with substantial laundry demands. This model is equipped with Samsung's EcoBubble technology, which allows for effective cleaning even at lower temperatures. It generates bubbles that penetrate fabric quickly, ensuring that detergent reaches even the most stubborn stains while being gentle on clothes.

One of the key features of the WW9AJ6400CW/EG is its Digital Inverter Motor. This motor operates quieter and more efficiently than traditional motors, resulting in reduced energy consumption and increased reliability. The washing machine also comes with a variety of wash programs and options, including Quick Wash for fast turnaround on lightly soiled garments, and an Allergy Care program that helps eliminate allergens from fabrics, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin.

On the other hand, the Samsung WW70J5355MW/AD is a 7-kilogram front loader that balances features and affordability. It also incorporates EcoBubble technology, ensuring effective cleaning while being energy-efficient. The model offers a diamond drum design, which prevents fabric snagging and helps maintain the quality of the clothing.

The WW70J5355MW/AD features a ceramic heater that is more resistant to scaling and corrosion compared to conventional heaters, leading to a longer machine lifespan and stable performance. Additionally, the machine’s Smart Check feature allows users to troubleshoot problems using a smartphone app, providing convenience and saving time on service calls.

Both washing machines are designed with user-friendly interfaces and durable construction. They come equipped with energy-efficient ratings, contributing to lower utility bills, which is a critical aspect for environmentally conscious consumers.

In summary, Samsung's WW9AJ6400CW/EG and WW70J5355MW/AD models represent a blend of advanced technology, versatility, and efficiency, making them excellent choices for families looking for reliable washing solutions. Their innovative features like EcoBubble technology, Digital Inverter Motor, and user-centric designs demonstrate Samsung’s commitment to enhancing the laundry experience.