Text Viewing

Using Text menu

To listen to music while viewing your text

You can listen to the song that you last played while viewing your text.


1 Tap [

] while viewing a text.













The text option menu appears.



















2 Tap [

] to select <Background Music On> or <Background

















Music Off>.


Text Viewer Ty..

<Background Music On> : You can listen to the song that you last







played while viewing your text.







<Background Music Off> : No background music is played while viewing a text.

To set the text viewer type


1 Tap [ ] while viewing a text.


The text option menu appears.

2 Tap [ ] to select <Text Viewer Type> and then tap [ ].

The Text Viewer Type menu appears.

Background M..

3 Tap [


Text Viewer Typ

] to select the desired text viewer type.


You can select either <Type 1>, <Type 2>, or <Type 3>.




You can also set the text viewer type by tapping [ ] in text view mode.