To set a bookmark

Once you set a bookmark, you can easily find that position later.

1.Tap [] at the desired scene you want during video playback.

￿ The Video menu appears.

Add Bookmark Go to Bookmark Delete Bookmark

2. Tap [

] to select <Add Bookmark> and


tap [



￿ The current play / stop point will be added to

Connect to Headset


the bookmark.

￿You will see the [ ] symbol on the play status bar.

￿The Overwrite window appears if there is a bookmark previously set. If you

NOTE select <Yes>, the previously set bookmark is deleted and a new bookmark is added.

￿One bookmark can be set for each video file, and a maximum number of 50 bookmarks can be set.

To move to (play) / remove the bookmark

1.Tap [] during video playback.

￿The Video menu appesars.

2.Tap [ ] to select <Go to Bookmark> or <Delete Bookmark> and tap [].

￿When you selected <Go to Bookmark> then the player will move to the selected bookmark in the file and start playback.

Add Bookmark Go to Bookmark Delete Bookmark Brightness DNSe

Connect to Headset

￿<Delete Bookmark> will remove the selected bookmark from the video file.

￿ To exit the menu, tap [].


54 _ watching a video