Speci ficat ions
Power Su pply: AC 1 00-24 0V~60 /50Hz
Output Po wer: 2W x 2
Unit Dim ensio n: 220( L) x 112.5( W) x 135( H)mm
Weight: 1 .9 kg
Radio Sec tion
Tuning ra nges: F M 87.5 -1 08 MHz
Aerial s: Wire an tenn a (FM)
Genera l
Terminal s-Out put: 3.5 mm ster eo head phon e
*** Speci ficat ions su bject t o chang e witho ut noti ce ***
Line Out : 3.5mm Ja ck
Aux In: 3.5 mm Jack
This pro duct co ntain s softw are lic ensed u nder ve rsion 2 of the GN U Publi c Licen se and ve rsion 2 .1
of th e G NU L esser Public License . Th e s ource code fo r th is sof tware is av ailab le fr om
http:// www.reci va.com/ gpl
This pro duct i nclud es tec hnolo gy own ed by Mi croso ft Cor porat ion an d under a l icens e from
Micros oft Lic ensin g GP. Use o r dist ribut ion of s uch te chnol ogy out side o f this p roduc t is pr ohibi ted
withou t a licen se from M icros oft Corp orati on and /or Mic rosoft L icens ing, GP a s appli cable .
Licen se Info rmati on