Cover Sheet
Back Cover: Blank
You can specify whether to copy onto the back cover sheet. If you select
[Copy], the last pages will be copied onto the back cover sheet. If you select
[Blank], a cover sheet will just be inserted after the last copy.
The cover sheets should be identical in size and direction to the copy paper.
The cover sheets should be fed from the bypass tray.
The covers are copied in Thick mode.
If Blank Cover mode is selected, the back cover will not be counted as a copy.
Regarding functions that cannot be used together with this function, P.97
Combination Chart.
When you use Front & Back covers mode with 1 Sided
1 Sided mode
APress the [Shift/Book] key.
BPress the [Front&Back Cover] key.
CPress the [Copy] or [Blank] key to choose whether to copy onto the back cover.
DSet your originals in the document feeder.
EPress the {
} key.