APC by Schneider Electric
Data Center Grade Three Phase Uninterruptible Power Supply
Parallel Module - Guide Specifications
This specification describes a
The UPS shall meet the requirements of the following standards:
A.UL listed under 1778, standards for uninterruptible power supply equipment
B.UL Canada (cUL)
C.FCC rules and regulations of part 15, subpart J, class A
D.IEC 1004/ANSI C62.41 Standards for Surge Withstand Ability
E.ISO 9001
F.The UPS shall be designed in accordance with the applicable sections of the documents published by:
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)/National Electric Code (NEC)
National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA) & (NEMA PE 1)
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Submittals shall contain the following documentation:
A. Installation Package: Complete electrical characteristics and connection requirements. Provide detailed equipment outlines with cabinet dimensions and spacing requirements; location of conduit entry/exit paths; location of floor/seismic mounting; available battery types/sizes; all cabinet weights; heat rejection and air flow requirements;
B.Product Data: Provide catalog sheets and technical data sheets to indicate physical data and electrical performance, electrical characteristics, and connection requirements.
C.Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by Product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, installation, and starting of Product. Include equipment installation
APC – MGE Galaxy 5000 Specification (60Hz) 1 | Effective: June 1, 2008 REV X0 JJG |
Parallel Module |