ApplianceType Estimated Wattage Estimated Usage Time
Cell Phone 4 watts 66 hours
Fluorescent Light 4 watts 66 hours
Radio, Fan 9 watts 29.3 hours
Depth Finder 9 watts 29.3 hours
Camcorder, VCR 15 watts 17.6 hours
Electrical Tool 24 watts 11 hours
Electrical Cooler 48 watts 5.5 hours
Car Vacuum, Air Compressor 80 watts 3.3 hours
NOTE: Estimated run-times. Actual time may vary. Times are based on the
internal battery being fully charged and in good condition.
Using the USB Port5.4
The USb port provides up to 500mA at 5V DC.
Ensure the battery clips are securely clipped on the storage holders.1.
Turn the Instant Power™ On/Off switch to the ON position.2.
Turn the USb device on.3.
Charge the Instant Power™ as soon as possible after using the USb port.5.
Using the Built-In Light5.5
PositiontheInstantPower™onaat,stablesurfaceneartheintended1. work area.
Ensure the battery clips are securely clipped on the storage holders.2.
Press the Light Switch to the ON position.3.
The Instant Power™ light will turn on and illuminate your work area.4.
Press the Light Switch to the OFF position.5.
Charge the Instant Power™ as soon as possible after using the built-in 6. light.
Using the Air Compressor5.6
recommended pressures. Do not leave the air compressor
unattended during use.
Ensure the battery clips are securely on the storage holders.1.
Remove the air compressor hose from the storage compartment in the 2. back of the Instant Power™. Install adapters as necessary.
position and remove the hose.
Do not run for more than 10 minutes maximum at a time. Allow the Instant 6. Power™ to cool down for 10 minutes before using again.