For Zigzag Stitch
In the correct zigzag stitch, the bobbin threads will not show on the top side
of fabric and the top threads will show slightly on the bottom side. See
below for the correct appearance. To match this appearance, adjust your top
Top tension Top tension
Tdo Tight Too Loose
Top sJde of Fabric Top s_deof Fabric
Just Right
Top s_deof Fabric
Bottom side of Fabric Bottom side of Fabric Bottom stde of Fabric
Too Tight: Too Loose: Just Right:
-- Corner ol each -- The top thread Minimize the amount
zigzag will pull will loop through of top thread visible on
together on the bottom s_de o_ the bottom rode of
top side of fabrics, fabric and will be labrlc without causing
pulled atmost excessive puckering or
together, causing the bobbin
thread to show on the
toP side. Resuhs vary
with _abrtc, thread and
sewing conditions.