Postioning the microphone
Boundary microphones make use of the pressure effects at a
room boundary and need to be mounted on a flat surface:
*) The cardioid pick-up pattern has an opening angle of approx.
130°. Try to position the microphone so that the sound source
(conference participant, speaker or instrument) is located in
this angle area (see polar diagram).
Position Sound result Comments
Altar or lectern:
on a sound-reflecting
Less room resonance
port io ns or co mb fi lt er
elements; improved
speech intelligibility
and greater gain
reserves in contrast to
freestanding micro-
Unobtrusive due to
flat design; no micro-
phones in the field of
Conference rooms:
lying on the table;
directed towards the
participants *)
Less room resonance
in contrast to
Microphones must
not be covered by
papers, folders or
similar objects
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