MKE platinum-C
The MKE platinum-C is a high-quality, sub-miniature, sweat-
resistant clip-on condenser microphone designed for all areas of
live work. It features excellent sound quality and rugged design.
The MKE platinum-C is fitted with a very thin (only 1 mm) yet
rugged cable, making this microphone an ideal partner for all live
sound applications.
ySub-miniature microphone ideal for unobtrusive attachment to
clothing or directly to the head or body.
yHigh maximum sound pressure level.
yWide frequency response with treble response adapted to the
requirements of live stage work
yThin (only 1 mm), flexible and rugged cable, low in handling
yLargely insensitive to penetration of sweat due to the patented
Umbrella Diaphragmâ„¢. This design comprises two individual dia-
phragms installed on both sides of the diaphragm ring.
top "umbrella" diaphragm
(seals the capsule against
bottom (active) diaphragm
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