Recommendedsettings |
Microphonebeingused | Setting |
MKE2 R,MKE10,MKE10 R,MKE40 R | 3 |
MKE2012, MKE4012: | 1 |
Transmittermountedon stand | 2,5 - 3 |
Transmitterusedas lavaliermicrophone | 2 - 2,5 |
Attachingthe transmitter Whenoperatingas a
is alwaysto be used.The MZW1010pop andwindfilter is alsoavailableasan
accessory.Whenusingas a lavaliermicrophone,theneckstrapprovidedisto be attachedto the transmitterasshownin the illustra-tion.Attachmentoptionsfar otheruses are alsoshownin the illustrations.Note: It is importantfor
IItheSK1012is to be usedprimarlyasa
The useof wirelessmierophonesystems is generallysubjeetto loeallieeneingor permitarrangementsForlurther. details eontaetyour loealSennheiserdistributor.
Special notesTwo leafletsare availableon request,eon-taining valuabletips andinformationeon- eerningwirelesstransmissionteehnology:
"Howto get the bestreception.Inter- ference and howto copewith it."