Insertingthe batteries
Installthe batteriesasshownin FiguresA andB.
Importantnote:Useonly alkaline-man- ganesecellsl
The maximumoperatingperiodwill dependon the transmittermodel:
approx.32 hours | |
| approx. 8 hours |
Usingrechargeablebatteriesis advanta- geouswherethe devicewill be in regular
operation.Thebatteriesneednot be re- movedfrom the deviceif the SZL1010
chargingunitis used.Theconnectionbet- weenthe chargingunit andthe batteryis madevia chargingcontact7. The maxi- mumoperatingperiodon a singlecharge will dependon thetransmitter model beingused:
SK | 1012 | approx.5.5 hours |
SK | ||
approx.1.5hours |
A varietyof microphonescan be connected at the
the applicationin whichthe transmitteris used.
Werecommendthefollowingmicropho- neswhenusingthe SK1012as a hand- held,lavalieror
MKE 2012(omnidirectional), MKE4012(cardioid) pockettransmitter
MKE2 R(omnidirectional),MKE10, MKE10 R(omnidirectional), MKE40 R(cardioid)
The microphonemodelscited aboveare electretmicrophoneswhichdrawtheir voltage supplyfrom the transmitter.
Dynamicmicrophonescanalsobe con- nected:TheDA1012and DA1012U con-
nectorcablesrequiredfor this purpose are availableas accesoryitems.
Socketwiring ~'OI""'N
Importantnote:Contacts6 and7 areto bejumpedwhenoperatingwithoutremote control;otherwisethe transmittercannot be put into service.Sennheisermicro- phonessuitedfor connectionto this transmitterandthe DA1O12andDA1012U connectorcablesalreadycontainthese jumpers.
Setting the operating mode
Switch6 is usedto set the transmitterfor oneof threeoperatingmodes:
Operationwith compandersystem.AGC amplifierdefeated.
HiDyn+ limiter
Operationwith compandersystem.AGC amplifieractivated.
Compandersystemdefeated.AGCampli- fier activated.
Whichoperatingmodeis rightfor the application?
Application OperatingmodePockettransmitter HiDyn
limiter, if
extremefluctua- tions in the acoustic
pressurelevelare anticipated.
TheHiDynoff setting is to be selected onlywhenusingreceiverswhichare not fitted with a compandersystem.
Switchingon the transmitter / Adjusting the modulation
Switchingon the transmitter Putswitch1 in its "Test" position;the greenLED3 must light.If it doesnot,the batteryis installedincorrectlyor is dis- charged.Thisbatterytest isto be made
everytimethe transmitteris put intoser- vice.
Afterthe batterytest put switch1 in posi-
Settingthe modulation
Putswitch1 in its "Test"setting.Attach or holdthe microphonein the positionin whichit wililater be usedand makea speakingtest.A long"E" pronouncedcon- tinuouslyis suitableas a test tone.Turn control4 untilthe red LED2 lightsonly
brieflyduringvolume peaks.If the receiver isfitted with a deviationindicator,ad-
just the sensitivityso that a deviationof 30% is readduringvolumepeaks.