Do not work from the backhoe or attachments. Do now allow any riders on the backhoe, tractor or attachments. Falling off could result in serious injury.
Use extreme care when digging, transporting or dumping loads that impair or partially block the operator’s line of sight. Know where you are traveling. Make sure no bystanders are in the area of travel. If a bystander assists in providing guidance, make sure they are not in the path of travel. Keep all bystanders 25 feet away from travel path.
Do not raise the Backhoe on a hillside. Do not transport across a slope with a raised Backhoe. When the Backhoe is raised, the center of gravity of the tractor and Backhoe is raised increasing the potential for the tractor to tip over. Tractor wheel contact with any wash out, drop off or the ground obstruction with a raised Backhoe could result in the tractor tipping over and causing serious bodily injury.
When the bucket is swung to the side of the tractor, it exerts a movement on the tractor causing the tractor to rock from side to side. Make sure the stabilizers are lowered to the ground and stabilize the tractor before swinging the boom.Extreme care should be taken when operating on slopes. Bodily Harm or Death could result from tractor’s tipping over.
Avoid full reach and swinging a loaded bucket to the down hill side when operating on slopes.
Digging with the arm may pull the compact tractor backward. Do not dig too much material at one time.
Use extreme care when piling material above 6 feet high. Material could shift and fall onto the operator or bystanders. The material could crush or suffocate the operator or bystander resulting in serious injury or death.
Always lower bucket and stabilizer feet to the ground, and shut off the engine before dismounting from the unit.
Safety Section |
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