Item Description
Device E-mail Address Enter the machine’s e-mail address.
This address is used as the sender's address of e-mail messages sent from
this machine, such as notification e-mails and Internet Faxes. Can contain
up to 64 characters.
Server Timeout
Enter the number of seconds the machine waits before considering an
SMTP operation to have timed out (1 to 999).
Time Zone Select a time zone according to your geographic location. Selecting a
different time zone may cause transmission date and time to be incorrect for
email sent by the Scan to E-mail function, even when the machine's clock is
set correctly.
Configuring the POP3 SettingsClick the [POP3] tab on the network settings page to configure the POP3 settings.
POP3 Settings
Item Description
POP3 Server Enter the IP address or host name of the POP3 server for e-mail reception.
The POP3 server specified here will be used for [POP before SMTP]. Can
contain up to 64 characters.
User Account Enter the user name for logging in to the POP3 server. Can contain up to 32
If an e-mail address is entered here, the address will be used as the e-mail
address for receiving Internet Faxes.
User Password Enter the password for logging in to the POP3 server. Can contain up to 32
8. Configuring the Machine Using Web Image Monitor