5 When the printer driver selection window appears, select the printer driver to be installed and click the [Next] button.

Click the checkbox of the printer driver to be installed so that a checkmark ( ) appears.

The [PPD] checkbox only appears if you are using Windows 2000/XP/ Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008/7.

6 When you are asked whether or not you want the printer to be your default printer, make a selection and click the [Next] button.

If you are installing multiple drivers, select the printer driver to be used as the default printer.

If you do not wish to set one of the printer drivers as the default printer, select [No].

If you clicked the [Custom installation] button in step 2, the following windows will appear.

Printer name window

If you wish to change the printer name, enter the desired name and click the [Next] button.

Window confirming installation of the display fonts

To install the display fonts, select [Yes] and click the [Next] button.