pan in photos 87, 90, 92


add another call 57 answer incoming call 56 call existing contact 55

call number not saved in Contacts 55 call voicemail 58

call waiting 57 conference calls 57 control volume 57 end a call 58 erasing user data 36 flash button 52 in-call options 56 keyboard shortcuts 54 make call 55

model number 36 mute call 56

number, where to find in settings 35 proximity detection 53

redial number 55

save number to Contacts 55 settings 33, 59

swap calls 57

type numbers during call 57 updates 40

use Bluetooth device 54 use Call Log 55

use headset during call 53 use the speaker 57

version numbers of components 35 view missed calls in Call Log 59

phone charms, attaching 17 Phone key 15

photo viewer 87


add/edit description 89, 91, 92 assign to contact 89, 91, 92


backing up 81 capture 83 capture format 82 Captured screen 90

comment on online photos in camera 93 delete 90

delete during preview 84 delete on Captured screen 90 drag to the Spot 89, 91, 93 favorite/unfavorite 88, 90, 93 flash setting 85

full screen view 87 geotag setting 85 light setting 85

max number of favorites 91 mode setting 85 panning 87, 90, 92 resolution setting 85 save location 82

send 87, 90, 92

send during preview 84 set as wallpaper 88, 91, 92 settings 85

share after capture 81

show location on map 89, 91, 92 sort in Albums screen 93

sync to the Studio 94 unfavorite 92

upload during preview 84 upload to social network 81 view online photos 93 where to view on phone 80 zoom in/out 87, 90, 92

PIN lock setting 29 turn on/off 37

pin webpage to Apps Home screen 98 pinch in/out gesture 14

ONE User Guide - R1.0 - April 21, 2010

Page 150
Image 150
Sharp OMPB10ZU manual Pan in photos 87, 90 Phone, Phone charms, attaching 17 Phone key Photo viewer Photos