AT 100%
Artichokes 2 medium Trim. Rinse well. Place onto a dinner plate. Cover with plastic wrap. 3-4 minutes
Asparagus 250 g Wash and place in a freezer bag. 2-3 minutes
Beans 250 g Cut into 4cm pieces. Cook in l-litre casserole dish with 1 tablespoon water. Cover. 3-4 minutes
Broccoli 500 g Cut into uniform florets. Arrange with flower towards centre. Cover. 6’/~-7 minutes
Brussels sprouts 500 g Arrange in a 23cm flan dish. Arrange with stalk towards outside. Cover. 3-4 minutes
Cabbage 250 g Shred and cook in a 1.5-litre casserole dish with 2 tablespoons water. Cover. 4-6 minutes
Carrots 250 g Cut carrots into circular pieces and place into a casserole dish with 1 tablespoon of water. Cover. 3-4 minutes
Cauliflower 500 g WHOLE. Wash well. Place on a dinner plate: cover with plastic wrap: turn over after 3 minutes. Stand, lo-12 minutes
covered with foil, for 5 minutes.
500 g Cut into uniform florets. Arrange with flower towards centre, with 1 tablespoon water. Cover. 4-6 minutes
Chokos 500 g (2) Peel, cut into quarters. Place in a 20cm pie plate with 1 tablespoon of water. Cover. 6-8 minutes
Corn (on cob) 2 Arrange in a casserole dish with l/4 cup water. Cover. Turn over during cooking. 7-9 minutes
4 Arrange in a casserole dish with l/3 cup water. Cover. Turn over during cooking. 14-16 minutes
-Eggplant 500 g Cut into 2cm cubes. Place in a l-litre casserole dish with 2 tablespoons water. Cover. 6-8 minutes
Mushrooms 500 g Sliced or whole. Place in a l-litre casserole dish with 2 teaspoons butter. Cover. 6-8 minutes
Peas - Green 500 g Cook in a l-litre casserole dish with 1 teaspoon sugar and 1 tablespoon water. Cover. 2-4 minutes
- Snow 250 g Remove string from pod. Cook in a l-litre casserole dish with 1 tablespoon water. 2-3 minutes
Potatoes (jacket) 2 medium Pierce skin with a fork. Place on turntable. Turn over halfway through cooking. Allow to stand wrapped 5-6 minutes
4 small in foil for 2-3 minutes.
(boiled) 2 medium Peel and cube potatoes. Cook, covered, in a l-litre casserole dish with I/Z cup water. 7-9 minutes
4 small
Pumpkin 500 g Peel and cut into serving-size pieces. Place in a l-litre casserole dish. Cover. 5-7 minutes
Spinach 250 g Wash and shred. Cook, covered, in a 1.5-litre casserole dish with 2 tablespoons water. 3-5 minutes
Squash 250 g Wash and place in a casserole dish with 1 tablespoon of butter or water. Cover. Pierce whole squash 4-5 minutes
with a fork.
Sweet Potato 500 g Peel and cube potatoes. Cook, covered, in a l-litre casserole dish with l/2 cup water. 5-7 minutes
Tomatoes 500 g Cut into quarters. Place in a l-litre casserole dish. Season and cover. 4-5 minutes
Zucchini 250 g Cut into uniform-size pieces. Place in a l-litre casserole dish with 1 tablespoon water and 1 tablespoon 4-4’/2 minutes
butter. Cover.
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*Allow vegetables to stand for l-2 minutes before serving.