Program each item as follows:
RATE (Use the numeric entry)
Percent rate (0.00 to 100.00)
TEXT (Use the character entry)
Description for the gratuity. Up to 8 characters can be
SIGN (Use the selective entry)
Programming of the + or – sign assigns the premium or
discount function for the gratuity.
–: Minus (discount)
+: Plus (premium)
TAXABLE1 thru 4 (Use the selective entry)
YES: Taxable
NO: Non-taxable
FOOD STAMP (Use the selective entry)
Food stamp status
NO: Food stamp ineligible
YES: Food stamp eligible
Program each item as follows:
RATE (Use the numeric entry)
Percent rate (0.00 to 100.00)
TEXT(CASH) (Use the character entry)
Description for the cash tip. Up to 8 characters can be
TEXT(CHR) (Use the character entry)
Description for the non-cash tip. Up to 8 characters can be
HALO (High Amount Lockout: use the numeric entry)
A: Significant digit for HALO (1 thru 9)
B: Number of zeros to follow the significant digit for HALO
(0 thru 8)
AB is the same as A x 10B.

You can also select a tip key by pressing the corresponding key

when it has been placed directly on the keyboard instead of

selecting the key from the menu.
The screen continues.