Advanced Features
Se tt i ng Se le c ta bl e pa r am et e rs
(* indicates initial settings.) Description Reference
Language Setup OSD Language English*
Selects the initial or playback setting language. P. 46
Audio English*
French Select a language to play. P. 46
Subtitle English*
French Selects the subtitle displayed on the TV screen. P. 46
Disc menu English*
French Selects the disc menu language. P. 46
Audio Setup Digital output BitStream*
LPCM Select a type of signal sent from the digital audio output jack. P. 51
LPCM output 48 kHz
96 kHz* PCM sound signals recorded in 96 kHz are converted to 4 8
Analog output Surround
2.1Ch* Select a type of signal sent to the speaker.
Surround: 2 channel (video CD/audio CD) or 5.1 channel
(DVD) sound are converted to 2.1 channel
sound (virtual speaker surround sound).
2.1ch: 2 channel (video CD/audio CD) or 5.1 channel
(DVD) sound are converted to 2.1 channel
sound (with the subwoofer sound increased).
Compression On
Off* Set to on to enjoy the realistic sound as recorded on the
On: Realistic sound is produced as recorded on
DVD/video CD/audio CD.
Off: The range of signal levels is reduced to moder-
ate sudden increase in playback volume.