Be Aware of the Working Environment
Be extremely careful of slippery terrain, especially during rainy weather.
Reduce the risk of
bystanders being struck by flying debris. Make sure no one is within 50 feet (15
Make sure bystanders or observers outside the 50- foot “danger zone” wear eye protection.
When operating in rocky terrain or near electric wires or fences, use extreme caution to avoid contacting such items with the cutting attachment.
Always make sure
the appropriate cutting
attachment shield is correctly installed.
Figure 2
Be constantly alert for objects and | If contact is made with a |
debris that could be thrown either | hard object, stop the engine |
from the rotating cutting attachment | and inspect the cutting |
or bounced from a hard surface. | attachment for damage. |
Safety Labels
Safety and Operation Information Labels: Make sure all information labels are undamaged and readable. Immediately replace damaged or missing information labels. New labels are available from your local authorized Shindaiwa dealer.
This label indicates the minimum distance between front handle and rear grip per ANSI B175.3.
Figure 3