state of the art. There is no additional charge to the customer for this work. Our decision is final. Any legal claims are excluded.

The guarantee is valid in the country of purchase. It applies only if the device is operated in the relevant geographical area in accordance with the information on the packaging and in the operating instructions.

Any further claims are excluded. Siemens is not liable in any circumstances for downtime, loss of profits, loss of data or loss of any other information. The customer alone is responsible for safeguarding such data and information.

Changes to this guarantee require prior approval by Siemens in writing.

Guarantee period

The guarantee applies in countries in the EU from 1 January 2002 for a period of 24 months.

In all other countries the guarantee period shall be the relevant minimum statutory guarantee period, but no longer than 24 months.

The guarantee period starts on the day of purchase by the customer.

A successful claim under the guarantee does not extend the guarantee period.

Work under the guarantee is handled by our Customer Care Centres.