Step by Step
Saving Station Numbers and Appointments
Saving Station Numbers and Appointments

Storing Station Speed-Dial Numbers

You can store the ten numbers which you use the most
and dial them using your own station speed-dial num-
bers: *0 through *9 Æpage25.
CLift the handset.
FB; Enter the code.
D LEnter the speed-dial number you wish to use (*0 to
D LFirst enter the external code and then the external sta-
tion number (wait approx. 5 seconds).

Saving Appointments

You can tell your telephone to give you a call when you
want to be reminded of an appointment Æpage13.
To do this, you need to save the time you want the call
to be made. The appointment can be set for any time
within the next 24 hours.
CLift the handset.
F=? Enter the code.
DEnter a 4-digit time, suchas 0905 for 9:05 (= 9.05 a.m.)
or 1430 for 14.30 (=2.30 p.m.).
; or @If the selected language is "USEnglish" (ask the service
personnel) enter the code 2 for "am" or 7 for "pm".
Deleting and checking a saved appointment
CLift the handset.
G=? LEnter the code.