10Default book

T9® Text Input is licensed under one or more of the following:

U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,818,437, 5,953,541, 5,187,480, 5,945,928 and 6,011,554;

Canadian Pat. No. 1,331,057; United Kingdom Pat. No. 2238414B;

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and additional patents are pending worldwide.

Default book

§Menu§ ¢è¢Select function.

Show entries

Entries in the standard directory (Address- book or Phonebook) are shown for selection.

Jand/or scroll G. To dial press the Call key A.Select a name by entering the first letter

<New entry>

Create new entry in standard directory.

Phonebook, Addressbook (see below).

Default book

Select the Phonebook (only one phone number possible per entry) or the Ad- dressbook as your standard directory (default book).

F¢Phonebook / Addressbook ¢D

(set as standard)


Entries in the Phonebook (on the SIM card) are managed separately from those in the Addressbook. You can, however, exchange data between the Phonebook and the Addressbook.

<New entry>

If the Phonebook is set as standard (Addressbook as standard):

Open Phonebook (in standby mode)

F¢<New entry> ¢Select entry field (The maximum number of characters available is displayed at the top of the screen)

Press §Save§ to store the new entry.

Call (search for an entry)

Open phonebook F,Aselect name and and press the Call key .

<Special books>

<Own numbrs>: enter personal phone

numbers, <VIP numbers>: assign important numbers to group, <SIM phonebook>, <Protected SIM>, <Info numbers>.


The Addressbook can store up to 500 entries that are managed in the phone memory.

<New entry>

If the Addressbook has been selected as standard:

F¢D¢J(enter first and/or last name) ¢Select entry field ¢Make further entries ¢§Save§.Open Addressbook (in standby mode)


Entries can be organized by groups. Select with §Change§.


Press §Select§. Assign a picture to an Ad- dressbook entry. It is displayed if you are called by the corresponding phone number.


After entering the date of birth, the "re- minder box" can be activated. You can now enter the time for the reminder. The phone will then remind you with an accoustic tone and also with a display one day before the birthday and on the birthday.