46 SMS
All SMS messages are archived in different lists, according to their status. (List of message symbols, see page 8):
C ¢M¢Inbox¢SMS
The list of received SMS messages is displayed.
C ¢M¢Draft¢SMS
The list of not yet transmitted SMS messages is displayed.
C ¢M¢Unsent¢SMS
The list of concatenated SMS messages not yet completely sent is dis- played. Transmission can be restarted.
C ¢M¢Sent¢SMS
The list of sent SMS messages is displayed.
SMS archive
C ¢M¢SMS archive
The list of SMS messages stored in the phone is displayed.
List options
Different functions are offered depending on the list.
§Options§ Open menu.
Send Send or forward entry.
Send with... Select an SMS profile for transmission.
Archive Move SMS message to
(For standard functions see page 15)