88 Setup






Your phone has an infrared inter-

face. With this interface, you can ex-



Select function.

change data such as pictures, ring-



tones, Addressbook entries,

business cards or organiser data with

(General Packet Radio Service)

other appliances which also have an



Switch GPRS on/off

infrared interface.


The infrared interface is on the right

GPRS is a new method for transmit-

side of the phone. The distance be-

ting data faster in the mobile net-

tween the two devices must not ex-

work. Use GPRS and if the network

ceed 30 cm. The infrared windows in

has sufficient capacity, you can be

both appliances must be aligned as

connected to the Internet perma-

accurately as possible with each

nently. Only the actual transmission



time is charged by the network oper-

Shown on the display:

ator. Some service providers do not



yet support this service.

Infrared activated.

Shown in the display:


During transmission.



Activated and available.


Data services





Basic setting and activation of the





Temporarily interrupted.

connection profiles for data trans-


mission such as MMS, WAP.

GPRS info

The phone default setting varies

Display of information on connec-

from service provider to service pro-

tion status.



• The settings have already been implemented by the provider. You can start immediately.