Voice message/CB


Voice message/CB



Voice message


Listen to message


C¢M¢Setup¢Voice message

A new voice message can be an-


nounced as follows, depending


If you have a mailbox, a caller can

on the service provider:


leave a voice message for you




À Symbol plus beep.


if your phone is switched off or



not ready to receive,






p Notification via SMS.


if you do not want to answer,



or if you are making a phone call.



You receive a call with an automatic

You may have to register for this





function and set it manually.




Call your mailbox and play the mes-



sage(s) back.


The service provider supplies you with two phone numbers:

Save mailbox number

Call this phone number to listen to your voice messages.

C¢M¢Setup¢Voice message

Enter phone number and confirm with §OK§.

Save call divert number

Calls are diverted to this phone number.

C¢T¢Phone setup¢Divert ¢e.g. Unanswered¢Set

Enter phone number and register it on the network with §OK§.


Press and hold (if neces-

sary enter mailbox



number once only). Con-


firm with §OK§ and §Mailbox§


depending on your serv-


ice provider.


CB services


C¢M¢Setup¢CB services

Some service providers offer information services (info channels, Cell Broadcast). If reception is activated you will receive message about the activated topics in your Topic list.