ASSIGNING AND SETTING I/O MODULE ADDRESSES Module addresses are 1 through 8, as shown on the module faceplates in Figure 19. The top row in the figure shows
three I/O modules at a location (for example, at a remote location). The lower row shows the complementary I/O
modules at another location (for example, at the control room); transceivers are not shown. Note that the modules in
each complementary pair are set to the same address. For example, the Analog Output Module at the remote location
(yellow faceplate) and the complementary Analog Input Module at the control room (green faceplate) are set to
address 1. The small triangle symbol points to the selected module address.
When assigning I/O module addresses:
• Assign a module address to each complementary pair of I/O modules on a wireless network.
• An address may be used for only ONE complementary pair on each wireless network.
If module addresses conflict or are improperly set within a complimentary pair, the STATUS LED will light; see the
Transceiver and I/O Expansion Module Status LED Indications section on page 30.
May 2007 27