Setting the IP address of the ChemWeb Server
Start menu item “Find” in the “CHIP” menu. The program then locates all ChemWeb Servers connected to this network segment independent of the set IP address and network mask, and lists all set data. Note the number in the first column “Snr” of the ChemWeb at which a setting is to be made. This number corresponds to the last 5 digits of the MAC address of the ChemWeb Server (see label at ChemWeb Server).
Now change to menu item “IP config” in the “CHIP” menu. Type the traced number in the first box “Serial number of CHIP”. Before filling in the other entry boxes, a difference must be made between operation with or without DHCP server.
Setting the IP address of the ChemWeb Server without DHCP
Your network administrator must assign you a fixed IP address and inform you about the corresponding network mask. Type these data in the entry boxes “IP address” and “Network mask”. Confirm the settings by clicking “Yes”. The ChemWeb Server must then be restarted to work with the new settings.