ii.Required after 1 January 2007, the outside of the package must include the following label [IATA]:
6If the surface radiation level exceeds 5 µSv/hr (0.5 mRem/hr), or if there is a measurable radiation level at 1m from the surface, use the criteria of Table 1 to determine the proper shipping labels to be applied to the package.
a.Mark the outside of the outer shipping package with the proper shipping name and identification number (Radioactive Material, Low Specific Activity
b.Properly complete the shipping papers, indicating:
i.Proper shipping name, identification number and class (i.e. Radioactive Material, Low Specific Activity
ii.Name of the radionuclide (i.e. depleted
iii.Physical and chemical form (i.e. Solid Metal).
iv. Activity of the uranium in Becquerels or other appropriate multiples of Becquerels.
NOTE: Number of Curies x 37,000 = number of MegaBecquerels (MBq). The activity in millicuries for
v.Category of label applied (i.e. Radioactive Yellow II).
vi.Transport Index.
vii.USNRC identification number or DOT specification number, i.e. Model 880 Series cert:
‘This is to certify that the
Note: For shipments in company vehicles to and from job sites, the shipper’s certification is not required.
For air shipments, the following Shipper's Certification may be used:
‘I hereby certify that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packaged, marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable International and national governmental regulations. I declare that all of the applicable air transport requirements have been met’