NOTE: For shipments in company vehicles to and from job sites, the shipper’s certification is not required.
k.The shipping papers must indicate your company's emergency telephone number. The telephone number must have
16For air shipments, the shipping papers must meet the requirements specified in IATA for a Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods. In addition to the information listed in Step 15 of this part, the following information needs to be specified:
a.Air waybill number: Enter the number of the air waybill to which the declaration form will be attached. (This may be amended by the carrier.)
b.Aircraft limitations: Specify that the shipment is within the limitations for
‘Cargo aircraft only.’ A notation can be added in the handling information box of the Shipper's Declaration which states ‘This shipment may be carried on passenger aircraft outside U.S. jurisdiction’.
c.Airport of departure: Enter the full name of the airport of city of departure, which may be amended by the carrier.
d.Airport of destination: Enter the full name of the airport or city of destination, which may be amended by the carrier.
e.Shipment type: Specify the shipment type as ‘Radioactive’.
f.Under quantity and type of dangerous goods, specify the number of packages (of same type and content), their type of package and activity in Becquerels or multiples thereof (units used must be clearly indicated) in each package, including packages in overpacks.
(If relevant) Indication of use of overpack and dimensions of the overpack (including dimensional units). When an overpack is used, the wording ‘overpack’ must be inserted on the declaration form immediately after all the relevant entries relating to the packages within the overpack. In such cases, packages within overpacks must be listed first. Dimension units must be in multiples of meters.
h.For shipment of special form radioactive material, the Special Form Certificate of Competent Authority for the radioactive source must be included. (e.g. USA/0335/S). For shipment of Type B packages also include the certificate of Competent Authority (e.g.
i.The shipper’s certification must be as follows:
‘I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable International and National governmental regulations. I declare that all of the applicable air transport requirements have been met.’
The information on the Declaration for Dangerous Goods must be entered strictly in accordance with the order specified in the latest edition of the International Air Transport Association, Dangerous Goods Regulations. Questions regarding completion of a Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods should be directed to the Radiation Safety Officer.