speed control lever is in the Neutral position, the turn- buckle may need adjusting. See figure 24. To adjust, place the control lever in the neutral position. THE HYDRO-
STATIC LOCKOUT AT THE REAR OF THE TRACTOR MUST BE IN THE “DRIVE” POSITION. Loosen the nuts at each end of the turnbuckle. Start the engine. If the trac- tor creeps forward turn the top of the turnbuckle toward the tractor. If the tractor creeps backward, rcztate the top of the turnbuckle away from the tractor. When the tum- buckle is adjusted so the tractor will not creep, tighten the nuts at each end.
7.Replace the spark plug wire and start the engine. Move the control lever from slow to fast and check your adjust- ments. Repeat steps 1 through 6 if not correct.
8.Place the variable speed lever in the high (7) position and adjust the two locknuts so there is l/8” clearance be- tween the nuts and the rod guide. To loosen the two nuts, hold the forward one while turning the rear one counter-
:..clockwise. Tighten the nuts securely against each other af- ter completing the adjustment. See figure 23.
9.With the variable control in the high (7) position ad- just the belt guard to obtain a 3116” clearance between the belt and the guard. See figure 23.
10.Loose” the nut at inside of the clutch idler and adjust belt stop so the distance between its front edge and the forward side of the axle is
Hydrostatic Transmission: If the tractor tends to creep (move slightly forward or backward) when the hydrostatic
The tractor clutch should be adjusted so there is I/8 inch clearance between the nuts and the rod guide when the clutch is completely released. See figure ?;F. Loosen the nuts by holding the forward one while turning the rear one counterclockwise. Retighten the nuts against each other when the adjustment has been completed.
Brake Adjustment, Foot Pedal: The foot pedal brake ad- justment is at the right rear of tractors equipped with hy- drostatic transmissions and at the left rear of those with the variable speed. See f@re 26. To adjust, it is necessary to loosen the two nuts. Hold the front one and turn the rear nut counterclockwise to loosen. Turn the forward nut clockwise to ,tighten the ,breke and counterclockwise, to loosen. Tighten only enough so the brake will stop the tractor. Further tightening of the brake may cause the brake to drag when moving the tractor. When the brake is adjusted so it works properly, tighten the rear nut up a- gainst the forward one to lock them in place. Hold the for- ward one with a wrench so you do not change the adjust- ment when tightening the nuts together.