[ Operation ]
Category 12:00P A
Artist NameArtist Name
Song TitleSong Title
NYG Stored
Store DAL?Store DAL?
Channel Name 100
Category 12:00P A
Artist NameArtist Name
Song TitleSong Title
DAL Stored
Store NYG?Store NYG?
Channel Name
To ensure that no duplicate entries are stored in memory, the radio will check the stored
memory list to ensure that the alert about to be stored is not already stored in memory.
If a duplicate entry is found, an Unable to Store screen will be displayed for 1 second.
(Figure 20) The radio will then revert to the last active display mode.
Category 12:00P
Artist NArtist N
Unable to Store
Channel Name
If the new alert was successfully stored in memory, a Artist/Song/Game Stored pop-up
screen followed by an X Used/Y Empty screen will be displayed for 1 and 2 seconds
respectively. X is the total number of listings stored in memory, and Y is the total number
of memory listings still available for storage. (Figure 21)
Artist NameArtist Name
Song TitleSong Title
Category 12:00P A
X Used/Y Empty
Channel Name
Artist NameArtist Name
Song TitleSong Title
Category 12:00P A
Artist Stored
Channel Name
If the MEMO button is pressed and all of the memory spaces are full, an “S-Seek Full”
screen will be displayed for 1 second. (Figure 21)
figure 19figure 19
figure 20figure 20
figure 21figure 21