[ Operation ] 35

121 Artist Name/ Song121 Artist Name/ Song
156 Artist Name
100 Giants @ Cowboys100 Giants @ Cowboys
123 Bulls @ Cavaliers
100 NFL NYG 7 DAL 3100 NFL NYG 7 DAL 3
123 NBA BUL 77 CLE 73
You can now select the artist, song, or sports game that you wish to tune to by using the
channel up and down buttons to highlight your selection from the list, and then pressing the
Select button. If no selection is made within 10 seconds, the radio will revert to the last active
display mode. Note that play of the current selection will continue until a new selection is
chosen from the S-Seek or My Game Zone list.
Jump Button
The radio has a special preset button called the Jump button, which is identified by the
icon. The Jump button is used to quickly tune to a channel that is accessed frequently and
temporarily such as a traffic channel, a weather channel, a news channel, a sports channel, or
any channel at all. Pressing the Jump button allows you to quickly tune to the specific chan-
nel you have programmed into the Jump button, and then tune back to the original channel
by pressing the Jump button again. (Refer to the Menu Options section of this manual for
instructions for configuring the Jump button.)
If the Jump button has been preset to the traffic option, which will cause the radio to access
a specific city traffic report, pressing the Jump button will immediately begin a search for the
city’s traffic report. The Jump icon will be displayed in the lower right corner of the display
screen to indicate that a Jump search is active. The search process may take up to 4 minutes
until the city’s traffic report found. The radio will automatically tune to the traffic report chan-
figure 31figure 31