[ Operation ]
Category 12:00P A1
Artist NameSong Title
Channel Name
Artist NameArtist Name
Song TitleSong Title
Category 12:00P A
Preset Tune Mode
Channel Name
Use the channel up and down buttons to move up or down through your channel presets
and immediately tune to each channel. Channel presets are grouped and displayed by
bank and preset number, i.e., A-1, A-2...B-1, B-2, etc. Empty presets are not displayed.
To view the channel presets in the channel list mode, where you can view 4 presets at
once, momentarily press and hold the DISP button for approximately one second until
the channel list mode is displayed. Repeated momentary pressing and releasing of the
DISP button will sequence the display between listings of artist names, song titles, and
back to channel names. (Figure 10)
A-1 Channel NameA-1 Channel Name
A-3 Channel Name
A-5 Channel NameA-5 Channel Name
A-4 Channel NameA-4 Channel Name
A-2 Channel NameA-2 Channel Name
A-1 Artist NameA-1 Artist Name
A-3 Artist Name
A-5 Artist NameA-5 Artist Name
A-4 Artist NameA-4 Artist Name
A-2 Artist NameA-2 Artist Name
A-1 Song TitleA-1 Song Title
A-3 Song Title
A-5 Song TitleA-5 Song Title
A-4 Song TitleA-4 Song Title
A-2 Song TitleA-2 Song Title
Note: If you are viewing a sports category channel list (NFL®, NBA®, NHL®, or COL-
LEGE), pressing the DISP button will instead toggle between the team names and the
current score of any live play-by-play game.
To exit the channel list mode, press and hold the DISP button for approximately one
second, until the display reverts to the P.TUNE mode.
To exit the P.TUNE mode, press and hold the BAND button for approximately 1 second,
until the default display screen is displayed.
figure 9figure 9
figure 10figure 10