Protect Your Ears and Yourself

• Always follow traffic safety directions. Do not use earbuds or
headphones while operating a bicycle, automobile, or motorcycle. Not
only is it dangerous, it may be illegal.
• Make sure the earbud or headphone cable does not get in the way
of your arms or other surrounding objects while you’re walking or
• Maintain a moderate volume when walking or exercising. Always be
aware of what is happening around you.
• Using earbuds or headphones for a long time and/or at high volume
can cause serious damage to your hearing. If you hear ringing in your
ears, STOP listening immediately.
Sound can be deceiving. Over time, your hearing “comfort level” adapts to
higher and higher volumes. What sounds “normal” may be dangerously loud.
TO ESTABLISH A SAFE LEVEL: Start the volume control at a low setting.
Slowly increase the volume until you can hear comfortably, without
distortion, and still be aware of your surroundings.
volume at that level; do not increase it over time. SIRIUS | XM and the
Consumer Electronics Association recommend that you avoid prolonged
exposure to excessive noise. Sustained sound levels above 85 decibels can
be dangerous without hearing protection. (For reference, a garbage disposal
or loud shouting at 3 feet are about 80 decibels; a food blender or gas lawn
blower at 3 feet are around 90 decibels.) SIRIUS | XM disclaims all liability
for hearing loss, bodily injury, or property damage as a result of use or
misuse of this product.