FCC Warning
This equipment has been te sted and found to comply with t he limits for a Class A digital de vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the F CC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generate s, uses and can ra diate radio freque ncy energy and, i f not installed an d used in accordan ce with the manufac turer’s instru ctions,
may cause harmful interfe rence to radio comm unications. O peration of this eq uipment in a resid ential area is likel y to cause harmful interference in which
case the user will be require d to correct the inte rference at his ow n expense.
Trademark Notice
SMART Board, GoWire, Note book, Unifi, sma rttech and the SM ART logo are tradem arks or register ed trademarks of SM ART Technologies UL C in the U.S.
and/or other countries. A ll other third-p arty product a nd company names may b e the trademarks of t heir respecti ve owners.
Copyright Notice
© 2008 SMART Technologies U LC. All rights res erved. No par t of this publicatio n may be reproduce d, transmitted , transcribed , stored in a retrieva l system
or translated into any langua ge in any form by any means wit hout the prior writt en consent of SMART Techn ologies ULC. Inform ation in this manual is
subject to change withou t notice and does not re present a commitm ent on the part of SM ART.
Patent No. US5448263; US6141000; US6326954; US6337681; US6540366; US6741267; US6747636; US7151533; and CA2058219. Other patents pending.
Printed in Canada. 06/2 008
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