40 Appendix A: Remote Management of Your Interactive Whiteboard System 99-00881-20 A0
Serial Interface Settings
You must configure your computer’s serial communication program or your room control system’s serial
communication settings with the following values:
NOTE: Commands must be typed in ASCII format. Terminate all commands and responses
with a carriage return.
1. Connect your computer to the Unifi 45 projector’s serial connector using a straight through
DB9M-to-DB9F cable.
2. On your computer, start your serial communications or terminal emulation program.
3. Configure your serial communication parameters by following your program’s instructions.
4. Configure your serial interface settings using the table in the previous section, and then press ENTER.
An Invalid command, ? for help message appears and the “>” character appears as a command prompt
on the next line.
5. Type commands to configure your settings.
• If no message appears or an error message appears, your serial interface configuration isn’t correct.
Return to step 3, and then reset your serial interface settings.
• To see a list of available commands, type ?, and then press ENTER.
• When using your terminal emulation program, activate your program’s local echo setting if you want
to see characters as you type them.
Timing and Command Processing
The Unifi 45 projector responds to commands only at certain power levels and times. There are four projector
power states:
• idle (standby)
• powering (start up)
• on (operating)
• cooling (standby)
Criteria Input Value
Bit Rate 19,200 bps
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None
To configure your serial interface