DANGER: A chimney which does not meet modern safety standards will result in a fire or deadly carbon monoxide poisoning of the building residents.

Chimney condition is of paramount importance for a safe and efficient boiler installation. All new and replacement installations must include a chimney inspection by a qualified individual or agency. Chimney construction materials must be compatible with the fuel being used.

Particular attention should be paid on all oil-to-gas conver- sions. Soot may have accumulated in chimney and/or degraded chimney liner. Most utilities require complete chimney cleaning. Others may require installation of new liner, spill switches or other chimney upgrades. Check with local utility for required safety precautions.


Provisions for combustion air must be in accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1 - latest edition, as well as all applicable local codes. If the boiler is installed in an unconfined space, adequate air will be available via normal infiltration. However, if building construction is unusually tight or the boiler is installed in a confined space (a space whose volume is less than 50 cubic feet per 1000 Btu/hr of gas input for all fuel burning equipment), adequate air for combustion must be provided by two openings: one located about 6” below the ceiling, the other about 6” above the floor. When communicating directly with the outside or through a vertical duct, each opening must have a minimum free area of one square inch per 4000 Btu/hr of gas input. Horizontal ducts to the outside must have a minimum free area of one square inch per 2000 Btu/hr of gas input. When ventilation is provided by openings in doors, etc. to adjoining spaces having adequate infiltration, each opening must have a minimum free area of one square inch per 1000 Btu/hr of gas input.

WARNING: Adequate fresh air must be provided for combustion. Improper boiler operation and inadequate venting of deadly flue gases may otherwise result.

NOTE: Boiler employs atmospheric combustion. Combustion air must not be contaminated with halogenated hydrocarbon vapors, aerosol propellants or freon. Other- wise, boiler heat exchanger will be subject to corrosion, reducing boiler life.


Water treatment is recommended in areas where water quality is a problem. A local water treatment company should be consulted to determine the requirements for your particular system and locality.

NOTE: Boiler is not for use in systems where water is replenished. Minerals in the water can build up on the heat transfer surfaces and cause overheating and subsequent failure of the heat exchanger.

NOTE: Boiler utilizes synthetic rubber seals. Water treatment chemicals and system cleaning chemicals must be compatible with this and all other construction materials.


Each boiler is shipped in a single carton.

Optional Vent Damper

When ordered, the vent damper is shipped in an individual carton packaged with the boiler. Mounting of the damper and flue outlet extension are required.