High Speed Inter-Chip USB 2.0 Hub and Flash Media Controller


9.2Ceramic Resonator

24 MHz ± 350 ppm

Figure 9.3 Ceramic Resonator Usage with SMSC IC

9.3External Clock

50% Duty cycle ± 10%, 24 MHz ± 350 ppm, Jitter < 100 ps rms.

The external clock is recommended to conform to the signaling level designated in the JESD76-2 specification on 1.8 V CMOS Logic. XTAL2 should be treated as a no connect.


Frequency is fixed at 58.6 kHz ± 20%

9.3.2USB 2.0

The SMSC device conforms to all voltage, power, and timing characteristics and specifications as set forth in the USB 2.0 Specification. Please refer to the USB 2.0 Specification for more information.

SMSC USB4640/USB4640i


Revision 1.0 (06-01-09)