Malfunctions - Causes and how to eliminate them
Indicator | Remedy |
An acoustic signal confirms |
that entry was correct |
Incorrect entries are indicated |
by 5 acoustic signals in swift |
sucession | Check that your entry is |
| |
| correct - if necessary interrupt |
| the command sequence by |
| pressing ”C” or ”CI”. |
The scale sets the value zero | Remove the items from the |
automatically when it is | weighing platform. Remove |
switched on. If the scales are | any dirt. If the scales do not |
outside the set tolerance | indicate zero after a couple of |
range, | seconds, you should contact |
| your service partner. |
Underloaded: only the | Switch the scales off and on |
bottom horizontal lines | again. The zero point will be |
appear on the display | reset automatically. |
Overload: Only the top | Remove some of the items to |
horizontal lines appear on | be weighing from the scales. |
the display. The maximum |
weighing range has been |
exceeded. |
Weight of item too light. |
The zero setting range has |
been exceeded |
Taring is not possible in case |
of over- or underloaded |
balance |
Printing is not possible in case |
of over- or underloaded |
balance. |
kg / lb conversion is blocked |
Totals memory occupied
-must be cleared before commutation -
In case of all er ror indications:
Please contact your
service- partner.