XLogic Multichannel Compressor Owner’s Manual
2.0 Safety considerations
This section contains definitions and warnings, and practical information to ensure a safe working environment. Please take time to read this section before undertaking any installation work.
All maintenance must be carried out by fully trained personnel. Note: it is advisable to observe suitable ESD precautions when maintenance to any part is undertaken.
‘Non-User Adjustments’
Adjustments or alterations to the equipment may affect the performance such that safety and/or international compliance standards may no longer be met. Any such adjustments must therefore only be carried out by fully trained personnel.
This equipment is designed for use solely by engineers and competent operators skilled in the use of professional audio equipment.
This product is a Class A product intended to form an integrated component part of a professional audio recording, mixing, dubbing, film, TV, radio broadcast or similar studio wherein it will perform to specification providing that it is installed according to professional practice.
2.2Electrical Safety Warning
When installing or servicing any item of Solid State Logic equipment with power applied, when cover panels are removed, HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS CAN EXIST.
These hazards include: | High voltages |
| High energy stored in capacitors |
| High currents available from DC power busses |
| Hot component surfaces |
Any metal jewellery (watches, bracelets,
Voltage Selection and Fusing
All XLogic units have selectable voltage inlets. Always confirm that the input mains voltage range is set correctly before applying power. Always isolate the mains supply before changing the input range setting.
If it is ever necessary to replace a blown mains fuse, then always use the correct rating and type of replacement. If a correctly rated fuse continues to blow, then a fault exists and the cause should be investigated or the unit returned to Solid State Logic for repair/replacement as appropriate.
Details of mains settings and correct fuse ratings can be found in Section 3.1 and Appendix A of this manual.
Safety Earth Connection
Any mains powered item of Solid State Logic equipment that is supplied with a
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