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Right-clicking an inactive solo button solos the corresponding output and all the outputs that have
the same faderandmutegroup assignment. It also silences all the outputs that have both a
different fader and mute group assignment and the same solo group assignment as any one of the
soloed outputs. Any previously soloed output which has a different fader and mute group
assignment and the same solo group assignment is dropped out of solo mode and silenced, unless
the [Ctrl] key is used as described below. The solo buttons of all soloed outputs turn red, and the
solo buttons of the silenced outputs display a red “S” on grey background.
Right-clicking an already active solo button deactivates it, and also deactivates any other active
solo button that has the same fader and mute group assignment.
Solo buttons and the [Ctrl] key
If the [Ctrl] key is held down when left-clicking or right-clicking an inactive solo button,
everything works as described above except that any outputs that are already soloed remain
The [Ctrl] key has no effect when left-clicking or right-clicking an already active solo button.
Double-clicking on the name field at the bottom of a mixer column will call up a dialog box where
the required mixer column name can be entered. This function cannot be accessed while in Mixer
Edit mode.
The current assignment of an assignable mixer element to a physical input/output, bus or stream is
always clearly indicated by:
- A string of letters for the output type (ANA for Analogue I/O, AES for AES/EBU I/O, MADI for…
MADI, I/O, ADAT for ADAT I/O, STR for Streaming I/O, BUS for Bus), one or two numbers (one
for a mono input or output, two for a pair or larger group, e.g. 9-16 for an eight-channel input
element), and a unit number (e.g., U2 for the second card if you have several SSL Soundscape
Mixpanders installed in your PC). In Small View mode some of the characters are hidden. The
input element shown below receives audio via the AES/EBU (“AES”) inputs 1 to 6 of the XLogic
Alpha-Link connected to the first (or single) SSL Soundscape Mixpander unit (U1) installed in the