Soundscape Mixpander
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…will call up a window where all the automatable controls for that element are listed:
The automation can be enabled or disabled for each individual parameter by respectively checking
or unchecking the corresponding box, and can be enabled or disabled globally for all the
parameters of the mixer element using the “Enable all” and “Disable all” buttons. Clicking “OK”
will save the changes and close the window, clicking “Cancel” will undo the changes and close the
The Console Manager program allows the SSL Soundscape Mixer to respond correctly to a
hardware control surface according to a dedicated or generic “Console Interface”. Console
Interfaces are available for a number of popular control surfaces. Generic Console Interfaces
include the MIDI Mixer Map interface, which can be configured to work with most control
surfaces and digital consoles that can transmit MIDI data. Please refer to the Console Manager
documentation for more details.
Since the SSL Soundscape Mixer’s Automation uses MIDI data, this data can be routed to a MIDI
sequencer, recorded and transmitted back to the SSL Soundscape Mixer (always via Console
Manager) for full mixer automation.