Soundscape Mixpander
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When you select the Create tool and click in an empty mixer column slot in “Mixer Edit” mode, a
menu appears, prompting you to create a new mixer column. If you have several units (SSL
Soundscape cards) in your system, the menu will let you choose the unit that the mixer column
will be created for. Several mixer column configurations are available, always including “built-in”
input and output elements. The output element always has a mute button, and may have a fader,
pan or balance control, peakmeter, and solo button). An EPP (Equal Power Panning) output can be
selected for stereo and mono to stereo outputs.
Various mixer column configurations are described next.
For monoin‐monoout, the signal just flows through the mixer column, only affected by the user
defined settings of the various mixer elements, which should be mono.
For stereoin‐stereoout, the respective level of the left and right signals is controlled by the
balance setting (available if there is a fader). Stereo mixer elements would be inserted in the signal
path as required.
For monoin‐monotostereoout, the signal path through the mixer column is mono, and the
signal is split into stereo at the pan control.