Soundscape Mixpander
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The recorder inputs and outputs are specific to the track insert elements. They are indicated by an
"R" in our diagrams. The track insert elements are designed as a practical way to connect to a
recording application such as an audio + MIDI sequencer. Therefore, they are assignable only to
“streams” linking the SSL Soundscape Mixer to the PC and vice versa. Track insert elements are
color-coded according to the stream(s) they are assigned to. The following example show a stereo
track insert element assigned to streams 9 and 10:
The recorder outputs allow audio data to be sent
from the SSL Soundscape Mixer to the recording
application (typically an audio + MIDI sequencer).
The diagram to the right shows how, in Record
mode, audio data received at inputs 1 and 2 of a
stereo track insert element is sent out via the
recorder outputs and recorded (“Audio L and Audio
R”), while the data is also sent to the multi EQ
element below via fixed outputs 1 and 2 for