Stereo (2-Channel)
•Place the left and right speakers anywhere from 6 feet to 10 feet apart, with the main listening position as close to midway between the speakers as possible.
• The speakers should be at least 2 feet away from the side walls.
• The main listening position should be between 4 and 10 feet away from the speakers.
• In most cases pivoting the tweeter of each speaker directly towards the main listening position will help maximize the stereo soundstage.
Use the left and right speaker placement in Figures 3 and 4 as a guide.
For the best sound we recommend that | you | use | premium | Sonance |
| ||||||||
| |||||||||||||
MediaLinQ® speaker cable, which also complies | with UL fire rating codes. |
| Wire resistance in Ohms vs. length of cable run |
| ||||||||||||||||||||
You may also | experiment | with audiophile | brands | of | speaker | cable | and |
| |||||
| Distance in Feet | 50' | 100' | 150' | 200' | 250' | 300' |
| ||||||||||||||||
interconnects, | but be sure | to check local | codes governing wire | that | may |
| |||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
| 20 gauge |
| 1.04 | 2.07 | 3.11 |
| 4.14 | 5.18 |
| 6.22 |
| |||||||||||||
be installed within walls or ceilings. Different brands of wire can have |
| |||||||||||||||||||
different sonic characteristics, and some may be more compatible with the |
| ||||||||||||
| 18 gauge |
| .65 | 1.30 | 1.96 |
| 2.61 | 3.26 |
| 3.91 |
| |||||||||||||
sonic “signature” of | your various audio | system | components. |
| |||||
| 16 gauge |
| .41 | .82 | 1.22 |
| 1.63 | 2.04 |
| 2.45 |
| |||||||||
For the best sound | you should never use | speaker wire | – | it will |
| |||||||||||||||
| 14 gauge |
| .26 | .52 | .77 |
| 1.03 | 1.29 |
| 1.55 |
| |||||||||||||
constrict the sound and diminish bass response. Extra resistance in the |
| |||||||||||||||||||
speaker wire can make a speaker sound | less | dynamic | and | reduce |
| 12 gauge |
| .16 | .32 | .49 |
| .65 | .81 |
| .97 |
| ||||||||
definition of the bass frequencies. In extreme | cases, it | can even | attenuate |
| 10 gauge |
| .10 | .20 | .31 |
| .41 | .51 |
| .61 |
| |||||||||
high frequencies. Also, amplifier power is wasted in thin wire with extra |
| |||||||||||||||||||
resistance, reducing your system’s maximum output level. To prevent |
| F i g u r e | 5 : S p e a k e r | W i r e | R e s i s t a n c e | T a b l e |
| ||||||||||||||||
degrading sound quality, the total wire resistance should be less than | 10% |
| |||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
of the speaker’s impedance. This means that | for an |
| |||||||||||
total resistance of | the wire | should be less | than 0.8 ohms. Refer | to |
| Figure | 5 when selecting the | proper | wire gauge for | your | system. |
Building a Back Box into the Ceiling Bay
Sonance ThinLine speakers are designed to provide exceptionally musical performance in a wide variety of enclosure volumes. You can get the very best performance from your speakers by partitioning a section of the ceiling bay to form a sealed back box with a specific internal volume. Building such an enclosure will create a dramatic improvement in your speakers’ bass performance and power handling.
Ideal back box volume requirements:
ThinLine | TL623R: | 1.5 | ft3 | ThinLine | TL621R: | 1.0 | ft3 |
ThinLine | TL622R: | 1.2 | ft3 | ThinLine | TL623SSTR: | 1.5 | ft3 |