To scroll

Drag or flick your finger in the direction you want to scroll on the screen.

To scroll more quickly, flick your finger in the direction you want to go on the screen.

To flick

To scroll more quickly, flick your finger in the direction you want to go on the screen. You can wait for the scrolling movement to stop by itself, or you can stop it immediately by tapping the screen.


Your phone has sensors that detect both light and proximity. The light sensor detects the ambient light level and adjusts the brightness of the screen accordingly. The proximity sensor turns the touch screen off when your face touches the screen. This prevents you from unintentionally activating phone functions when you are engaged in a call.

Using the lockscreen

On the lockscreen, you can still view notifications, for example, notifications of missed calls and messages that arrived since the phone was last locked. You can also control the playback of audio tracks without unlocking the screen.


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